Authentic Well-being

Cristina Viviani

holistic life coach & energy intuitive

pause. breathe. smile

white flowers on circle abstract cristina viviani

Remember your true-self and well-being as one with all of existence.

Welcome! My name is Cristina Viviani, I’m a holistic life coach, energy intuitive and light language channel. My passion is to help people reconnect with the truth of who we are, our innate well-being and interconnection to all of life and existence.  

If you feel a deep inner calling to come home to the wholeness of yourself, let’s connect and work together.

My invitation is for you to come home to your heart’s deep longing and well-being. I’m here to help you discover, live and create from your true joyful-self. With skill and intuitive clarity, I hold space for you to embrace, tend and create a meaningful life that stems from your authentic inner-being.

Live into the love, light, clarity and grace of well-being. 

When body, mind and spirit (higher-self) are in alignment with divine source, that is, when we live from our inner joy, we feel held in grace. Well-being is the gift. When our feelings, thoughts, beliefs and emotions are out of alignment with our inner-being we feel discord and or dis-ease.

Join me to learn how to work with intuition, tune in, listen and follow inner guidance to come home to yourself and your innate well-being. It’s my experience that we come here as pure-grace in exquisitely intelligent bodies to express and create as divine source.

From a place of deep appreciation, I offer this to you. 

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