holistic life coach, energy intuitive & light language channel
Cristina Viviani
pause. breathe. smile
the intuitive muse in you
Welcome! My name is Cristina Viviani, I’m a holistic life coach, energy intuitive and light language channel. My passion is to help people life into their fullest potential.
This site is an invitation to encourage you to trust your inner source of inspiration and wisdom. This source may be your inner muse, inner guidance, intuition, or universal energy. This ever-present universal wisdom is sometimes also known as the Tao.
No matter how hectic life gets, something within keeps nudging us to return to a calm, inner joy that lies within life’s apparent turbulence. This source of inspiration, inner muse or intuition comes when the knowing mind makes room for the unknown.
Taking a moment to pause, breathe, listen, and connect with your body invites the intuitive muse within to express itself more clearly. When we tune inwards, these moments of not knowing offer a profound and kinder way of being in the world.
My intention for creating this web site and blog is to share sources of inspiration that bring simple joy and gratitude into my life: contemplative poetry, free-flowing or intuitive dance and cooking with poetic licence. All three ask that we pause, listen, connect, and move from a miraculous un-knowing. They invite me to lean into the question, what if, with curiosity and sincerity, I follow my inner muse, inner guidance or intuition moment-by-moment?
Every couple of weeks, I post a blog invitation with contemplative poetry, intuitive dance suggestions and creative cooking ideas to inspire your inner muse practically and creatively.
Two of my favorite sources of poetic inspiration are: The Poetry of Impermanence, Mindfulness, and Joy edited by John Brehm and Poetry of Presence edited by Phyllis Cole-Dai and Ruby R. Wilson.
From a place of deep gratitude, I share these with you.
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couple of weeks.