
Live life authentically.

cristina viviani
Tao Te Ching

Now available through Amazon. 

Welcome. My name is Cristina Viviani. As a holistic life coach, creative and energy intuitive, I offer an invitation to trust and follow your inner guidance, to remember, create and live from your most authentic, joyful true-self and well-being.

I believe we are spirit channels in exquisite bodies here to express and create as divine source.

Early in my life, that quiet voice within said, “You are here to help people live out their fullest potential.” Now, I understand fullest potential to mean true-self, inner-being, higher-self, spirit, divine source energy or how you name who or what-you-really-are. I’m here to help you live in alignment with your joyful true-self and well-being.

Over the years, I’ve worn many hats. These have brought me much fulfillment and gratitude. Life has also invited me to navigate upheavals, dark nights, ease and well-being blissfulness. As I continue to calibrate my alignment with source, I come closer and closer to a more peaceful, loving and joyful sense of my true-self and well-being.

Life’s creativity leaves me in awe of nature, human resilience, the power and majesty of a Quantum Universe and Spirit within. Dancing, walking, writing,  meaningful conversations, cooking, gardens, not knowing and the beauty of all things feed my inner-being.

Some “Hats” I’ve Worn

  • Holistic Life Coach (in progress)
  • Energy Healing Certification with Cyndi Dale
  • Reiki Master
  • Light Language Channel (started as a child)
  • Extensive Energy Intuitive Training
  • Creative Writing and Editing Certifications
  • Soulmotion Leadership Training
  • Master of Fine Arts
  • Bachelor of Architecture
  • Instructor: design, conscious dance, ceramics
  • Published poet, author and translator of the Tao Te Ching 
  • Award-wining artist, photographer and designer

May you be inspired to live as your true-self, your inner-being of light.

Creative work by Cristina Viviani 2000-2021


To live an aware, awake, authentic and creative life.


To help people remember and live into our innate true-self and well-being.
