Through love’s eyes
awareness as a seeing through love’s eyes
love’s eyes as a seeing through awareness
seeing through love’s eyes
attending, presence
a soft focus, a gentle gaze
simply so
the suchness of all
shimmering through love’s eyes
a softening, the corners of
the lips up, a smile
through love’s being
time-space folds into eternity
the illuminated night sky
—infinite vastness
lean all of you into
divinity within
all things
all beings
awareness inhabits
love’s eyes
not the one seeing
the doing not doing
the knowing
not knowing
it sees, it does
not even it
simply seeing
simply knowing, doing
a miracle experiencing
lightness of being—unfiltered
seeing creates
love creates
fear creates
wisdom’s choice
creating a world
through this
lean into now:
the invitation ever present:
this breath
this stillness
in movement
into wholeness
even so
simple suchness
Cristina Isabel Viviani
February 2023